Website Development

One person posts, then the other responds — is this a requirement to publish publicly (to publish, we both need to touch it?)? Can we edit the posts of each other, or only our own?

What is the role/use of versioning on the website?

Expressing the Organization: white background when organized/found by tag, and black background when organized/found by category? Different organization of the same thing. When could a post be shown truncated (in a feed) or in its full version history?

Metadata: not a single date, but all relevant dates!

Wikipedia as a precedent for organization? text links to related topics/projects — always connecting elsewhere, not necessarily within the boundary of a project. Do we express/link out tags and categories differently?

Do categories organize projects and tags connect between them?

No feeds.

Possible categories: phases? thesis vs. instance?

  • Site research is precedent research AND geographically specific.
  • “Precedent” research is discursive research.

Project idea: a sitemap that only shows what has been explored.

If navigation is a demonstration of clarity, how can it be less monolithic? Capturing only the pieces that are put together by the user.