Sketch 02: Slit-Screen

Photo by James Guerin
Photo by James Guerin

Inspired by slit-scan photography, I wanted to recreate this technique but incorporate a level of interaction. By dragging across the trackpad, I imagined a similar “stretchy” effect being created with an image. The finished sketch is embedded below:

Press r to reload a new image, h and v to switch between horizontal and vertical slices. Link to code

As the cursor moves across the image, slices of the image are copied and then “pasted” back on top. Pressing “h” or “v” toggles between the horizontal slices and vertical slices respectively.

I also developed an iteration that uses the mouseDragged function to add slices.

Although neither technique quite captures the same continuous effect that’s achieved in slit scan photography, the distorted / noise effect is interesting!

Image References

  1. Russell Hardman, “YES” Southbank Tribute Painted Topography
  2. Marie-laure Cruschi, Cabins
  3. Plant, Unknown