Here I Am — But Not Really (052)

Here I Am — But Not Really composites a figure in real-time onto a geolocated Google Streetview image corresponding to their location.

The map builds on previous location-based and context-questioning explorations, such as “The Other” or “This Is What I See”. In playing with the scale of the digital body, new interactions with the scene emerge: knocking on windows, climbing trees. The digital body is cutout from its own context, allowing it to engage with the two-dimensional street images with objects such as using a chair to climb a set of stairs.


The map is built around Kinectron, an application for the peer-to-peer broadcasting of Kinect data. The user accesses a particular website which allows the RGB image feed of a Kinect and location data to be distributed. When other users connect, the location data is used to generate a Streetview representation and composite the live Kinect image feed.

Next Steps
  • Explore compositing multiple users into a single scene.