Stacked Still Lifes (068)

Stacked Still Lifes places images at the location in which they were taken. As more snapshots are captured and located in the scene, previous images become new again as they are incorporated into each subsequent photo.

Similar to Tile Swap (005), the map is defined by edges: the edges of the snapshots within the scene distinguish them from the environment, but also compound within subsequent photos. Thus, it is the background movement that distinguishes “live” from previously recorded.

In using the phone’s position to place an image in space, the focus of the map is recording artifacts rather than manipulating them. Similar to Routine Tracking (060), a history of place is made evident by tracing people’s actions over time.


Working with ARKit in Swift, the map is based on a demo from the Apple developer conference in 2017, which can be seen here.

On tap, a new plane is added to the scene, slightly in front of the camera’s position. Using snapshot(), the current scene is rendered as a new image object, including the AR information, which is applied as a material to the plane.

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