Fore-blob, Middle-blob, Back-blob (037)

Fore-blob, Middle-blob, Back-blob reinterprets the traditional figure-ground relationship by treating vegetation as the “figure”. From a near-infrared aerial image, vegetation is identified from red hues and isolated with a crude blob-detection algorithm.

The map attempted to algorithmically dissect the landscape, similar to the manual technique of Foreground Middleground Background (032). However, the hue range wasn’t sufficiently limited and the resulting map is imprecise. Consequently, red roofs clutter the image, pixel evaluation lacks correspondence to a semantic understanding of shapes, blobs make the building edges formless, and holes exist where vegetation is known to exist. While unsuccessful, some patterns are still evident, such as the regularity of sidewalks and the distinction between detached houses and apartment buildings.

The map is pannable, allowing users to explore the area of Prospect Park South. When the mouse is pressed, the aerial image is revealed in full to allow a comparison between the figure and ground.

Next Steps
  • Test other blob detection algorithms.
  • Revert back to the algorithm first used.
  • Determine the hue range needed to exclude red roofs.
  • What pixel values or algorithms can be used to identify building footprints?
  • Place the figure-blobs in contrast to the ground.