New York I Love You (009)

“New York I Love You” (live link) presents field recordings of the LCD Soundsystem song, “New York I Love You, But You’re Bringing Me Down”, played aloud in different contexts: on a subway platform, walking down Franklin Avenue, and at home. In playing the same song in different places, what of the original is heard above the noise of the city? Do the disruptions draw attention to the sounds of familiar spaces?

In each instance, the song was played at full volume from an iPhone 6S and recorded with a H4n Zoom recorder. The website is built using wavesurfer.js — a library for the easy and configurable display of waveforms. On hover, the moused-over audio clip is played and the others are muted. During play, the recordings are synchronous.

Next steps:
– Continue to capture the song played aloud in different places.
– Add labels for place and time of each recording.